Packing for a trip is much easier when you plan ahead. As you plan your trip, you can determine what you need to take with you by looking at the weather, location, and activities planned. It also helps to make sure that you have a sturdy bag that fits your basic needs. No matter what bag you bring, you can make the most out of it by packing carefully to optimize your space. Be sure to include toiletries, medications and valuables such as jewelry in a separate traveling case.
Choose between rolling and folding your clothing. If you need more space in your suitcase and aren’t worried about the weight, roll your clothes. This will take a lot less room than folded shirts and pants. If you do not need as much space and want to keep the weight down, fold your clothes. Folding is also generally better if you have clothes that are prone to wrinkling.
- Roll items as tightly as possible in order to save the most space. You can even use rubber bands or hair ties to keep rolled clothes tight in your bag.
- Rolled items will need to be packed tightly to stay organized, which is why this method is best if you’re trying to fit a lot into a smaller bag.
Use packing cubes to make sure everything fits together. Packing cubes are smaller bags that you use to organize your suitcase. Depending on your needs, these can be organized by outfit, by weight, or by items. For example, you may have a heavy, midweight, and light cube, or you may have one for all your shirts, all your undergarments, etc.
- Packing cubes are available from many department stores as well as major online retailers.
- You may be able to find some packing cubes that you can vacuum-seal. Be careful to account for space after you open the bags, though. Unless you will have access to vacuum to compress the bags again, the items will take up more space after the cube is open.
Use the inside of your shoes as storage space. Stuff your socks inside your shoes if there is no other room for them. Other small clothing items such as underwear are also easy to roll and place in your shoes. Small, fragile trinkets and souvenirs also work well in shoes, as the shoes offer extra padding and safety .
Use creases and gaps to place underwear. Fit the underwear and socks down the sides and in the space beeween your clothing once the case is full. This will make sure that you don’t use valuable space in the middle for smaller items.